Life Suicide

What Place Is This?

I’m in a place…not a bad place, not a good place. Just a place. I have a lot of thoughts that I need to get out of my head.

For starters, I had a dream last night, where I had to talk a dear old friend about suicide. This friend was someone I never would expect to be struggling with the thought to end it all. The good news, we (myself and others in my dream) were successful. This was a dream, but it led me to think about Veterans Day, and that trigger that makes me think of friends lost to war, with the possible trigger in others, and the state of affairs today. The current apathy, the privilege, the entitlement created by the previous years of our Nation’s leadership. The lunacy of the current Republican party. This is not what we veterans defended.

Back to the dream…my veteran friends, you know who you are. Don’t listen to those little negative voices. You are valued, you are loved, your contributions to our Nation, regardless of the time, have made a difference. Your leadership and your presence have a lasting impression on the generations who follow you, regardless of the overall National mission. I know your frustration of “what did we achieve,” “why were we there?” Your presence and participation were and will always be important. I know the civilian world makes no sense…it is filled with selfishness, disloyalty, lies, and contempt. Stay true to your moral compass.

I know this is a weird blog post that will probably not make much sense to most…but for you who I am reaching out to, feel free to reciprocate. My door is always open. Let’s talk.

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